ANDY FISH is a comic book artist

Sunday, October 16, 2011


If you're sick of hearing about my upcoming Graphic novel from McFarland Press, WEREWOLVES OF WISCONSIN-- you better get a bucket and some dramamine 'cause I've barely started plugging it!

Wait'll it's actually in stores-- meanwhile, here's another page from the story, this one taking place in a hospital.  I named one of the nurses Miss Paulson after my good buddy Joanie "Raging" Gage (I don't think she's adopted  the Raging nickname officially, but if she ever worked for Stan Lee that's what he would have called her).

The book is a series of short vignettes dealing with myths, monsters and legends all across the good ol' USA.  Much of it based on fact, or at least as much fact normally associated with myths and legends, and some of it just plain made up.

It's designed to be read a story at a time and there are ample amounts of chills and humor peppered throughout.  I was happy the publisher dug the outright humor I worked in.

Now as I contemplate my next project with them  I find myself with three possibles but none of them are really leaping out at me just yet.  I plan to spend this coming weekend playing with some character design.