ANDY FISH is a comic book artist

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Stop bashing Worcester!

I get it, I really do.
I think Providence sucks.  I know that's something not popular, and yes it's home to a great art school but I stand by my opinion.

Worcester may seem a lot like Providence, or Lawrence or Lowell to a lot of people, and yes there are parts of it that I wouldn't suggest you visit late at night.

I wish we would switch back to a strong mayor system so that voters could hold a single person accountable for the quality of life here.  I'd love to see more aggressive police rounding up the thugs who congregate in some neighborhoods and clean up Main South.

But Worcester has a lot going for it, and here are just a few things off the top of my head:

1. Hospitals.  My visit to UMASS University reiterated to me that this is a hub for the best in medical care.  People travel from all over the world to get treated here, and we forget that.

2. The Worcester Art Museum. With its new director Matthias Waschek leading the way, WAM is a whole new place.  Already less stuffy and gearing towards a wider audience this world class museum is worth checking out, especially when it's holding an event.

3. ArtsWorcester. Around the same time WAM got a new director, so did ArtsWoo, and while I was a huge fan of its previous director I really like the energy and enthusiasm Juliet Fiebel has brought to AW.

4. Restaurants.  Too many to choose from.  Lucky's Cage, Shiraz, Sol of Mexico, Bocado, Macs Diner and dozens of other culinary master houses give you hundreds of options.

5. That's Entertainment. A Pop Culture Mecca with more stuff you will be amazed at per square foot than any other place on Earth. You can't just call it a comic book shop.  Yes it could use a good cleaning and they have to do some,thing about the front room especially the way it looks from the street.  It would make a great gallery space guys.

6. CC LOWELL. A great art and more store on Park Ave, and one that should not be missed.