ANDY FISH is a comic book artist

Monday, April 16, 2012

This Week on TCM; SPRING BREAK :(

TCM Celebrates Spring Break this week so I'm not going to be watching much this week, beach films are not my bag.

Today at 9am is CITY LIGHTS (1931) which is Charlie Chaplan's brilliant silent film from the sound era.
And you thought THE ARTIST was the first film to do that, eh?

At 6am tomorrow is INVISIBLE STRIPES (1939) which is either William Holden's acting debut or one of his earliest films which pairs him with Humphrey Bogart in a Warners film-- which can NEVER be bad.

At 5am Thursday night/Friday morning is DR GOLDFOOT AND THE BIKINI MACHINE which is probably hilarious at 5am but not so much at any other time, worth it to see Vincent Price and Frankie Avalon in the same film.

Saturday at 6am is THE PETRIFIED FOREST (1936) which marks the debut of Humphrey Bogart as the persona that lead to his fame-- it's stagey and corny but it's also the PIC PICK of the WEEK.

Nothing Sacred (1937) is on at 730am with Carole Lombard in a soap operaish drama, but Lombard was a real gem of the Golden Age.

At 1045 is AFTER MIDNIGHT WITH BOSTON BLACKIE (1943), The Blackie films are actually really good little programmers.

TARZAN'S REVENGE is on at Noon with Glenn Morris as a Tarzan who is barely there.

CAPE FEAR is on at 6pm - don't watch it if you scare easily.

The essential this week is CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND(1977) which is a thinking man's alien film-- I prefer my aliens deadly, thank you.