ANDY FISH is a comic book artist

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Veronica in Japan heading to week 3

It's been 13 days since I dropped Veronica off at Logan airport on a brisk sunny Tuesday morning and then proceeded to get stuck in traffic due to an accident on the pike. Deciding to cut trough Cambridge didn't help either, apparently everyone had the same idea. I was shocked at how choked up I was watching her head into the terminal.

Veronica's flight was loaded with drama and what should have been a fifteen hour trip turned into a forty eight hour one. We arrived in Tokyo with full fledged bronchitis and it took her several days to get herself back to normal.

Veronica and I are seldom apart and I'm not sure why neither of us thought this would be a big deal. We work in studios no more than fifty feet apart so we are together nearly 24 hours a day. We've also had plenty of car trips together as well as a trip to Japan together and we are perfect traveling companions. We've been in crazy stressful difficult situations and we've never taken it out on each other. We are equal strengths for each other.

Through the thirteen days I've got nothing done. I feel like my days are spent either walking the dog or wondering what I should do next. I talk to Veronica twice a day --her mornings and my nights and vice versa, we've also vowed that we won't ever do this again.

And that makes me happy.