ANDY FISH is a comic book artist

Monday, February 13, 2012


NORTH BY NORTHWEST (1959) is on today at 530pm, regarded by many as Hitchcock's greatest film, I don't know if I agree with that, but it's certainly a good movie.  This week's MUST SEE.

Wednesday a 11pm is CASABLANCA (1942) which is about as classic as you can get.  Humphrey Bogart runs a saloon in Africa during WWII and his old girlfriend walks in.  Great romance, great action, great acting.
They don't make 'em like this anymore.

GONE WITH THE WIND is on Thursday at 10:30 pm which works out fine if you go to bed at intermission.  In my opinion it's a better movie that way anyway.  At 4:45am that same night is I WAS A FUGITIVE FROM A CHAIN GANG (1932) which is a stilted and dated Paul Muni film about a guy who goes to jail for robbing a hamburger joint.  Well acted and involving though.  You'll want to watch this one to the end.

Saturday night's ESSENTIALS is THE TRAIN (1965) which is directed by John Frankenheimer and stars Burt Lancaster so it's bound to be pretty good.